Reflections is a National PTA sponsored contest for kids to show off their talent in art, photography, dance, music, writing, literature and filmmaking. It is a lot of fun for kids to watch their art advance if they win! Students are typically able to display these works of art at the district's art museum if they choose. Winners may be recognized during a ceremony at the Administration Building. The kids feel so special! 


The theme this year is "I am Hopeful Because..." The artwork must be inspired by this theme. The kids must do all the work themselves with a few exceptions. 


Someone in the household MUST be a member of the PTA in order to enter, so be sure to sign up for the PTA!


Click here to learn more about the program. 


Click here for the entry form


For any questions, reach out to Cameron Perry, Reflections Chair,

School Calendar

Thank You Sponsors!

Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.

Thank you to our

Sherwood Eagles Sponsors! 

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Why join the PTA?

Our PTA strives to provide a strong link between the teachers, staff, families, and community that surround Sherwood Elementary. We work to help provide an interactive learning experience for all students. We hope you will become a member of our PTA, as well as support our organization by participating in PTA programs, volunteering your time, and giving financially!