Odyssey of the Mind is a competition that calls on students to demonstrate their creativity and skill in solving problems ranging from building mechanical devices to interpreting literary classics.  It's a program that challenges students to think and write imaginatively to propose a solution to a problem. All competing teams bring their solutions to competitions held on the local, state, and world levels. It's an excellent opportunity for kids to exhibit their creativity.
Teams compete at Elementary (3rd-5th), Middle, High School and College Levels. Younger kids can also participate (Kinder-2nd) but not competitively, yet they take part of the experience and developmental skills. 
For questions, reach out to Cameron Perry, cperry429@hotmail.com 

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Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.

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Why join the PTA?

Our PTA strives to provide a strong link between the teachers, staff, families, and community that surround Sherwood Elementary. We work to help provide an interactive learning experience for all students. We hope you will become a member of our PTA, as well as support our organization by participating in PTA programs, volunteering your time, and giving financially!